


In order to install PLaSK on MS Windows, perform two steps:

  1. Install Anaconda Python Distribution Python 3.7 version (you must use 64-bit installer). While installing select “Register Anaconda as default Python version of the system” option. Do not install Anaconda in the folder with any spaces in the name (e.g. C:\Program Files\)! This step needs to be performed only once.

  2. Download and install latest build of the PLaSK Windows binary. This should be done each time the new version is issued (PLaSK graphical launcher will inform you about it automatically).


PLaSK for Windows is 64-bit now. You must use 64 Windows (most probably you are) and install 64-bit Python to be able to use it!

Linux Systems

DEB-based Distros (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, etc.)

First download the package You should choose the correct one for your architecture (amd64 or i386) and Linux version.

Then issue the following commands:

$ sudo apt-get install libexpat1 libboost-python-dev \
                       libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev \
                       libopenblas-base liblapack3 python3-numpy \
                       ipython3 python3-matplotlib python3-h5py \
                       python3-pyqt5 python3-lxml python3-yaml

$ sudo dpkg -i your_downloaded_file.deb

where your_downloaded_file.deb is the file name of the downloaded package.

If there is no error, you can run PLaSK.

Running PLaSK from the Command Line

In general PLaSK is standalone command line program. It can be run from the command line by typing plask in the shell [1]. If run without any parameter, it will open a simple interactive shell where you can type Python commands for immediate execution. In order to run prepared script (saved either in .xpl or .py file) simply add its name as the first parameter. Further parameters are optional and will be available to the Python script as sys.argv. In the following example vcsel.xpl is the input file the number 10 a some parameter:

In Linux shell or MACOS terminal:

joe@cray:~/laser$ plask vcsel.xpl 10

In Windows from the Command Prompt:

C:\Users\joe\laser> "C:\Program Files\PLaSK\bin\plask.exe" vcsel.xpl 10

Such command-line invocation can be used to run PLaSK locally, but is also useful in HPC clusters with any kind of batch queue. In the latter case make sure that you provide the command plask your_file.xpl to the queue, adding absolute or relative paths to files where necessary. PLaSK looks for all its system files in location relative to the main binary, so there is no need to install it in the default system location (although it is recommended). The following example shows how to add the command to the queue in a one of popular batch systems like Torque or SGE (it is assumed that PLaSK is installed in user home directory in the subdirectory plask):

joe@cray:~$ echo $HOME/plask/bin/plask laser/vcsel.xpl 10 | qsub -N vcsel

If you run PLaSK without any parameters, you enter interactive mode. Do so and once you see the prompt type (type only commands, not the prompt [2]):

In[1]: help(plask)

You will see a Python documentation for PLaSK. Press 'q' to return back to the interactive shell. In the interactive mode you can run the script in any XPL file by typing:

In[2]: runxpl('your_file.xpl')

To exit the shell type:

In[3]: exit()

On Windows you can find the “PLaSK Console” in the Start Menu which will start the interactive mode. Furthermore there is a simple graphical launcher provided, simply named “PLaSK”. Just run it and press F5 to run your XPL or Python file in PLaSK. In the future this launcher will become a part of a more complex GUI.

Program plask may be run with several command-line parameters tha–if present–must be specified before the script name. The most useful parameters are:

-h, --help

print help message and exit.

-l loglevel

specify the logging level used during this program run. Log levels set up in the XPL file or Python script are ignored. Possible values are: error, error_detail, warning, important, info, result, data, detail, or debug. Mind that it is generally a bad idea to set the logging level to anything less than warning.


treat provided file as Python script regardless of its extension (this option cannot be used together with -x)


treat provided file as XPL regardless of its extension (this option cannot be used together with -p)

-c command

run a single command instead of a script.


always enter the interactive console, even if there is a script name specified. All the parameters are redirected to the console.


use unbuffered binary stdout and stderr


print PLaSK version and exit.

-D variable=value

set the value of a variable defined in XPL section <defines>. This can be used only when running XPL file (the value defined in the file is ignored).


set the value of a variable defined in XPL section <defines>. This can be used only when running XPL file (the value defined in the file is ignored).

Running PLaSK GUI

PLaSK GUI is a separate program that helps to edit PLaSK input files. It can be started from the command line by typing plaskgui or it is available in the applications menu as other programs are. Hence, you can launch it as any other application.
