For authors

The manuscript should contain:

  • title of the article,
  • the full names of all authors,
  • affiliations of all authors,
  • abstract (a brief and clear description of the results obtained, without figures, tables, mathematical formulas and bibliographic references),
  • bibliography (arranged in the order in which the references appear in the text).

Articles that are not currently under review in any other journal are eligible for the review process. The manuscript should be sent to with all necessary files (LaTeX source encoded in UTF-8, pdf file, figures). We prefer the source in LaTeX format according to the class which can be downloaded from the following resource:

For editing and compiling LaTeX documents, we recommend the Overleaf system (be sure to include the bpamart.cls file from the archive above) with the pdfLaTeX compiler set by default. The class has also been pre-tested with TexLive versions 2021 and later and the current version of the MiKTeX.

Exceptionally, we also accept sources in Microsoft Word format. In this case, the author(s) must be aware that the publication process may be much longer than for a source in LaTeX format.

If the review process is completed with acceptance of the manuscript, an editorial pdf version is sent to the author for approval. Careful review of the article is the sole responsibility of the author. It is understood that at this stage the editors will consider only basic corrections.

Board of Editors

