Publications and conferences
M. Szurgot, J. Szurgot, Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Sodium Chlorate Crystallization from Unstirred Solution, Cryst. Res. Technol. 30(7), 949-956, 1995
W. Kucharczyk, Relationship between bond charge and the Szigeti effective charge in alkali halides, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 56(6), 871-876, 1995
W. Kucharczyk, M. J. GUNNING, R. Raab, C. Graham, Interferometric investigation of the quadratic electro-optic effect in KDP, Physica B: Condensed Matter 212(1), 5-9, 1995
R. Sarzała, W. Nakwaski, M. Osiński, <title>Effects of carrier diffusion on thermal properties of proton-implanted top-surface-emitting lasers</title>, SPIE Proceedings, 1995
M. Osiński, W. Nakwaski, Thermal analysis of closely-packed two-dimensional etched-well surface-emitting laser arrays, IEEE J. Sel. Topics in Quantum Electron. 1(2), 681-696, 1995
W. Nakwaski, M. Osiński, Thermal Cross-Talk Effects in Closely Packed Two-Dimensional Arrays of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO'95, pp. 15 - 186-187, May 1995
M. Szurgot, Chiral Etch Pits on Sodium Chlorate Crystals, Cryst. Res. Technol. 30(5), 621-628, 1995
W. Nakwaski, Effective masses of electrons and heavy holes in GaAs, InAs, A1As and their ternary compounds, Physica B: Condensed Matter 210(1), 1-25, 1995
G. Derfel, Director Distribution in Weakly Anchored Nematic Layers Deformed by Electric Fields, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 261(1), 197-204, 1995
J. Szurgot, M. Szurgot, Enantiomorphism in sodium chlorate crystals, Cryst. Res. Technol. 30(1), 71-79, 1995
A. Opanowicz, K. Przybyszewski, Exact calculations of thermally stimulated luminescence and conduktivity characteristics of insulating crystals, Zeszyty Naukowe. Rozprawy Naukowe / Politechnika Łódzka 733(14), 53-63, 1995
R. Sarzała, W. Nakwaski, M. Osiński, Effects of Carrier Diffusion on Thermal Properties of Proton-Implanted Top-Surface-Emitting Lasers (invited Paper), Proc. SPIE 2399 (Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices III), 583-604, 1995
M. Osiński, W. Nakwaski, Optimization of 1.3-μm Etched-Well Surface-Emitting Laser Design, Proc. SPIE 2399 (Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices III), 372-383, 1995
W. Nakwaski, Effective Masses of Electrons and Heavy Holes in GaAs, InAs, AlAs and Their Ternary Compounds, Physica B 210, 1-25, 1995
W. Nakwaski, Current Spreading and Series Resistance of Proton-Implanted Vertical-Cavity Top-Surface-Emitting Lasers, Appl. Phys. A: Mat. Sci. \& Process. 61, 123-127, 1995
W. Nakwaski, R. Sarzała, M. Osiński, Computer Simulation of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers, Scientific Bulletin of Tech. Univ. of Łódź, Physics 15, 145-158, 1995
W. Nakwaski, M. Osiński, Current-Spreading in Proton-Implanted Vertical-Cavity Top-Surface-Emitting Lasers, Int. J. Optoelectr. 10, 119-127, 1995
W. Nakwaski, M. Osiński, Series Electrical Resistance of Proton-Implanted Vertical-Cavity Top-Surface-Emitting Lasers, Int. J. Optoelectr. 10, 129-137, 1995
R. Sarzała, Finite-Element Thermal Model for Monolithic Linear Arrays of GaAs-AlGaAs Strip-Buried-Heterostructure Diode Lasers, Electron Technology 28, 293-299, 1995
J. Prywer, Three-dimensional model of faces disappearance in crystal habit, J. Cryst. Growth 155(3-4), 254-259, 1995
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