Publications and conferences
P. Górski, R. Ledzion, W. Kucharczyk, Estimation of spontaneous antipolarization of ADP based on magnitude of fourth-order electrooptic effect, Cryst. Res. Technol. 42(6), 613-616, 2007
T. Czyszanowski, K. Panajotov, M. Dems, Designs of Photonic-Crystal Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Diode Lasers assuring high performance with minimal technological effort, 2007 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the International Quantum Electronics Conference, Germany, 17-22 Jun 2007
Ł. Piskorski, The Influence of Temperature Changes on An Operation of the GaInP/AlGaInP Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Diode Laser, Microtherm 2007: VII Conference Thermal Problems in Electronics, June 2007
J. Prywer, S. Krukowski, Growth of 2D nuclei–A Monte Carlo study of existence of various habits, J. Cryst. Growth 303(1), 23-29, 2007
M. J. Krasiński, J. Prywer, Growth morphology of sodium fluorosilicate crystals and its analysis in base of relative growth rates, J. Cryst. Growth 303(1), 105-109, 2007
M. Ziegler, F. Weik, J. W. Tomm, T. Elsaesser, W. Nakwaski, R. Sarzała, Transient thermal properties of high-power diode laser bars, 2007 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, United States, 06-11 May 2007
M. Ziegler, F. Weik, J. W. Tomm, T. Elsaesser, W. Nakwaski, R. Sarzała, Transient thermal properties of high-power diode laser bars, 2007 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), United States, 06-11 May 2007
T. Czyszanowski, W. Nakwaski, Comparison of Exactness of Scalar and Vectorial Optical Methods Used to Model a VCSEL Operation, IEEE J. Quantum. Electron. 43(5), 399-406, 2007
Ł. Piskorski, R. Sarzała, W. Nakwaski, Thermal Properties of the 650-nm GaInP/AlGaInP Quantum-Well GaAs-Based Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Diode Lasers, Fifth International Conference on Solid State Crystals \& Eight Polish Conference on Crystal Growth – ICSSC-5 \& PCCG-8 Conference, May 2007
Ł. Piskorski, R. Sarzała, W. Nakwaski, Self-consistent model of 650 nm GaInP/AlGaInP quantum-well vertical-cavity surface-emitting diode lasers, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 22(6), 593-600, 2007
R. Sarzała, W. Nakwaski, GaInNAsSb/GaNAs quantum-well VCSELs: Modeling and physical analysis in the 1.50−1.55 μm wavelength range, J. Appl. Phys. 101(7), 073103, 2007
T. Czyszanowski, M. Dems, K. Panajotov, Impact of the hole depth on the modal behaviour of long wavelength photonic crystal VCSELs, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40(9), 2732-2735, 2007
A. Karczemska, M. Kozanecki, M. Szurgot, A. Sokolowska, S. Mitura, Raman spectroscopy studies of meteoritic diamonds, Diamond Relat. Mater. 16(4-7), 781-783, 2007
Ł. Piskorski, R. Sarzała, W. Nakwaski, Advanced Computer Simulation of the 650-nm Room-Temperature Continuous-Wave Operation of the GaInP/AlGaInP QW VCSEL, The Sixth International Conference on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices, LDSD2007, April 2007
T. Czyszanowski, R. Sarzała, M. Dems, K. Panajotov, Photonic-Crystal VCSELs, International Workshop on Advances in Physics and Technology of Photonic Crystals, pp. 20, April 2007
R. Kotyński, M. Dems, M. Antkowiak, K. Panajotov, Radiation Losses of Electrically and Magnetically Anisotropic 2D Finite Photonic Crystals, International Workshop on Advances in Physics and Technology of Photonic Crystals, pp. 19, April 2007
M. Dems, T. Czyszanowski, K. Panajotov, Strongly Birefringent and Dichroic VCSEL, International Workshop on Advances in Physics and Technology of Photonic Crystals, pp. 18, April 2007
R. Kotyński, M. Dems, K. Panajotov, Waveguiding losses of micro-structured fibres—plane wave method revisited, Opt. Quant. Electron. 39(4-6), 469, 2007
M. Dems, T. Czyszanowski, K. Panajotov, Numerical analysis of high Q-factor photonic-crystal VCSELs with plane-wave admittance method, Opt. Quant. Electron. 39(4-6), 419-426, 2007
T. Czyszanowski, M. Dems, H. Thienpont, K. Panajotov, Modal behavior of photonic-crystal vertical-cavity surface-emitting diode laser analyzed with Plane Wave Admittance Method, Opt. Quant. Electron. 39(4-6), 427-433, 2007
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