Publikacje i konferencje
M. J. Krasiński, J. Prywer, Growth morphology of sodium fluorosilicate crystals and its analysis in base of relative growth rates., J. Cryst. Growth 303(1), 105-109, 2007
J. Prywer, S. Krukowski, Growth of 2D nuclei - a Monte Carlo study of existence of various habits",, J. Cryst. Growth 303(1)(1), 23-9, 2007
J. Prywer, Effect of supersaturation on evolution of crystal faces—theoretical analysis, J. Cryst. Growth 289(2), 630-638, 2006
J. Prywer, Effect of supersaturation on evolution of crystal faces—theoretical analysis, J. Cryst. Growth 289(2), 630-638, 2006
J. Prywer, S. Krukowski, A Monte Carlo study of the dependence of the habits of Kossel crystal on dynamic parameters during two-dimensional growth, Cryst. Res. Technol. 40(4-5), 340-346, 2005
R. M. Vázquez, J. Prywer, E. Dieguez, Simulations of doped YAl3(BO3)4 crystals shape, J. Cryst. Growth 275(1-2), e909-e913, 2005
J. Prywer, Kinetic and geometric determination of the growth morphology of bulk crystals: Recent developments, Prog. Cryst. Growth Charact. Mater. 50(1-3), 1-38, 2005
J. Prywer, Kinetic and geometric determination of the growth morphology of bulk crystals: Recent developments., Prog. Cryst. Growth Charact. Mater. 50 No. 1-3(1-3), 1-38, 2005
J. Prywer, S. Krukowski, Monte Carlo study of the dependence of the habits of Kossel crystal on dynamic parameters during two-dimensional growth, Cryst. Res. Technol. 40, 340-6, 2005
R. M. Vázquez, J. Prywer, E. Dieguez, Simulations of doped YAl3(BO3)4 crystals shape, J. Cryst. Growth 275(1-2), e909-e913, 2005
M. R. Vazquez, J. Prywer, E. Dieguez, Simulations of doped Yal3(BO3)4 crystals shape., J. Cryst. Growth 275, e909-e913, 2005
J. Prywer, Explanation of some peculiarities of crystal morphology deduced from the BFDH law, J. Cryst. Growth 270(3-4), 699-710, 2004
J. Prywer, Effect of Seed Faces on Time-Dependent Crystal Morphology, Cryst. Growth Des. 4(6), 1365-1369, 2004
J. Prywer, Explanation of some peculiarities of crystal morphology deduced from the BFDH law, J. Cryst. Growth 270(3-4), 699-710, 2004
J. Prywer, Effect of seed-faces on time-dependent crystal morphology, Cryst. Growth Des. 4, 1365-1369, 2004
J. Prywer, Crystal Faces Existence and Morphological Stability from a Crystallographic Perspective, Cryst. Growth Des. 3(4), 593-598, 2003
J. Prywer, Correlation Between Crystal Structure, Relative Growth Rates and Evolution of Crystal Surfaces, Acta Phys. Pol. A 103(1), 85-100, 2003
J. Prywer, Correlation Between Crystal Structure, Relative Growth Rates and Evolution of Crystal Surfaces, Acta Phys. Pol. A 103(1), 85-100, 2003
J. Prywer, Crystal faces existence and morphological stability from crystallographic perspective, Cryst. Growth Des. 3, 593-598, 2003
J. Prywer, On the interrelation between crystal morphology and its geometry, Scientific Bulletin TUL. Physics 23, 43-57, 2003