Publikacje i konferencje
G. Bąk, W. Mycielski, A. Lipiński, CHARGE TRANSPORT AND ELECTRICAL CONDUCTION IN SOME ORGANIC MOLECULARr COMPOUNDS, Scientific Bulletin TUL. Physics 15, 35-50, 1995
G. Bąk, Space charge-limited currents in thin film solid dielectrics with non-uniform deep-trap distributions: numerical solutions, Thin Solid Films 238, 290-294, 1994
G. Bąk, Influence of Polycrystalline Structure on Dielectric Properties of Some Organic Molecular Crystals, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 4, 2557, 1992
G. Bąk, Low-Frequency Dielectric Properties of Two Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 21, 3447, 1988
G. Bąk, Steucture-Dependent Dielectric Response of p-Terphenyl Thin Films, Thin Solid Films 151, 289, 1987
J. Haładyj, G. Bąk, Drift Mobility of Charge Carriers in Some Organic Materials, Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 20, 5809, 1987
G. Bąk, A Link between the Drift Mobility and Dielectric Losses in Some Organic Compounds: Computer Simulation, Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 19, 3173, 1986
G. Bąk, Dielectric Response of p-Terphenyl, J. Mater. Sci. 21, 4327, 1986
G. Bąk, Saturated Drift Velocity of Carriers in Polycrystalline Simple Aromatic Hydrocarbon Layers: Computer Simulation, Thin Solid Films 120, 179, 1984
G. Bąk, AC Conduction in Simple Aromatic Hydrocarbon Layers in the ON State, Thin Solid Films 103, 319-323, 1983
G. Bąk, Time of Flight of Carriers in Simple Aromatic Hydrocarbon Layers I:Theory, Thin Solid Films 105, 177-182, 1983
G. Bąk, Time of Flight of Carriers in Simple Aromatic Hydrocarbon Layers II: Comparison with Experimental Results, Thin Solid Films 105, 183, 1983
G. Bąk, A. Lipiński, W. Mycielski, Transport Phenomena in Thin Organic Layers, Thin Solid Films 71, 215, 1980
G. Bąk, A. Lipiński, AC Conduction of Polycrystalline p-Terphenyl Layers, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 56, 139, 1980
G. Bąk, A. Lipiński, W. Mycielski, Some Electrical Properties of Polycrystalline Tetracene Layers, Thin Solid Films 56, 343-348, 1979